Innovating leadership to help businesses thrive by DESIGN

Unleashing business opportunities by putting people at the heart of innovation

What does Unique-U stand for?

I have set up Unique-U coaching to support my clients in understanding themselves better. Often time goes by without realising how many decisions we make daily which ultimately define the landscape of our lives. Through discovering clearly who we are, we can leverage our unique strengths and align these to our unique personal values to lay the groundwork to leading a more fulfilling life. In practical terms this means enjoying more “the here and now” in what you do on a day to day basis. This can be achieved by focussing on what is important to you (your unique values) and what you are good at (your unique strengths).

Unique-U Coaching helps you make conscious decisions to align your work and home life to who you are. This will allow you to have the courage to be the most authentic form of yourself in any situation. As adults we do not need someone to tell us what to do or to take a decision on our behalf. A coaching partnership provides a safe and challenging space to reflect back the story of our lives from an independent perspective and challenge us in areas where we are struggling or are restricting ourselves unintentionally. Coaching is a secure space for Clients to courageously open up and share their world. You can be honest and try saying things out loud without the fear of repercussions or of being judged. You get to try out what it feels like to be the most unique form of yourself. Diversity is the essence of creativity and in allowing each individual to show their uniqueness it can unleash their potential to live a fulfilling life.

Own your unique story and trust yourself, so you can dare to set sail even in stormy weather.

Wofür steht Unique-U?

Mit Unique-U Coaching möchte ich meinen Kunden helfen, mehr über sich selbst zu erfahren. Oft merken wir gar nicht, dass wir Tag für Tag mehrere Entscheidungen treffen, die unser Leben prägen. Indem wir klar erkennen, wer wir sind, können wir unsere einzigartigen Stärken nutzen und an unsere individuellen persönlichen Werte anpassen, um so den Grundstein für ein erfüllteres Leben zu legen. Konkret bedeutet dies, jeden Tag und bei allen Aktivitäten das „Hier und Jetzt” zu genießen. Dazu müssen Sie sich einfach auf das konzentrieren, was Ihnen wichtig ist (Ihre individuellen Werte) und worin Sie gut sind (Ihre individuellen Stärken).

Unique-U Coaching hilft Ihnen dabei, bewusst Entscheidungen zu treffen, damit Ihre Arbeit und Ihr Privatleben widerspiegeln, wer Sie wirklich sind. So werden Sie den Mut haben, in jeder Situation die authentischste Form von Ihnen selbst zu sein. Erwachsene brauchen niemanden, der ihnen sagt, was sie tun sollen oder der Entscheidungen für sie trifft. Das Coaching bietet einen sicheren Raum, der uns gleichzeitig herausfordern soll. So werden wir aus unabhängiger Perspektive zum Nachdenken über unser Leben angeregt und in den Bereichen gefordert, in denen es kriselt oder in denen wir uns unabsichtlich einschränken. Im Rahmen eines Coachings können Kunden sich öffnen und ganz frei über ihr Leben sprechen. Sie können vollkommen ehrlich sein und Dinge sagen, ohne Angst zu haben, dafür von anderen verurteilt zu werden. Sie können ausprobieren, wie es sich anfühlt, die einzigartigste Form von sich selbst zu sein. Vielfalt ist die Grundlage für Kreativität. Wenn einer Person die Möglichkeit gegeben wird, ihr wahres Ich zu zeigen, kann dies ihr Potenzial entfalten, ein erfüllteres Leben zu führen.

Nehmen Sie Ihr Leben in die Hand und haben Sie Vertrauen in sich selbst, damit Sie sich trauen, auch bei Sturm in See zu stechen.

Executive Leadership Advisory & Coaching

Let’s create an individualized program to suit your needs

Design To Thrive – Mastermind Peer Group

Aligning what’s important to you to help you stand strong as a leader

Speaking & Workshops

Energizing your in-person or virtual events as a Keynote speaker; Workshop leader, Facilitator & Event host


Member of Forbes Coaches Council

I have accepted the invitation to join Forbes Coaches Council.

You can view my contributions to Forbes here.please note this will take you to an external site.

New partnership with WomenTech Network!

WomenTech Network is hosting the third edition of the largest virtual tech conference for women, minorities, and their allies in tech, Women in Tech Global Conference 2022 June 7-10. The theme for this year’s conference is evolving around Technology Leadership, Tech Innovation, Career Growth, and how we can make an impact and shape the future together.

#WTGC2022 will feature tech professionals, industry innovators, and +500 speakers from all over the world. Some of the speakers are the most accomplished women in tech, including technologists and leaders from companies like Amazon, Google, HP, Meta, Microsoft, IBM, and many more.

Learn more about this conference and get your tickets at (link to external webpage)

Use a 20% discount code: WITCOM2022 to secure your ticket. ✨


Advice for our ten year old selves
Keys to leadership
Find out why infertility is important in the workplace…

Sign-up for monthly inspiration

Please sign up here* if you would like monthly inspiration to be delivered straight to your inbox!

This will give you my insights on leadership, sustainability and empowering ourselves and each other to create the most impact with our lives! I will give you tips on creating more meaningful relationships through discussing what matters most both at home and at work.

It will also include opportunities to attend my upcoming events to challenge your own development and to be able to share with your teammates and friends. It will also include exclusive offers such as: early-bird offers for any paid workshops; occasional free-coaching opportunities.

*Please be aware by clicking on this link you will be taken to an external site.