Does your invisibility cloak really protect you?
Often in life we try to be invisible. To ‘avoid’ embarrassment or conflict, or because it feels uncomfortable to get involved etc..
I get it! These are ‘valid’ reasons, aren’t they? But what choice are you making as you pull the hood of your invisibility cloak down lower?
Does your action make you feel proud or content? If not, what are you feeling? Discomfort or perhaps, shame, or frustration?
The negative emotions indicate that something about the action (or in-action) you took is not aligned to your personalvalues or beliefs.
What was it about that situation you wanted to hide from? What was it about choosing not to engage (& be seen) felt easier in the moment but left you feeling uneasy?
We make over 30,000 decisions each & every day. We cannot get involved in everything but we do always have a choice what we get involved in & share what is important to us.
Getting outside your comfortzone feels uncomfortable, so those situations when you want to pull on your invisibility cloak are those you can grow the most from engaging in. What is important to you about that situation?
Say openly what you see or think, without judgement & see what happens! Go on I DARE you!